Frequently Asked Questions
The Song-Beverly Consumer Warranty Act was enacted in 1970 to provide drivers with relief from persistent problems with their vehicles. It’s more commonly known as the California’s Lemon Law.
Manufacture warranties for motorcycles may be long on the time the bike is covered and noticeably short on miles driven. Watch your mileage. It is vital when evaluating a claim.
California has one of the best Lemon Laws in the country. As a matter of fact, it has been used as the model for other states. It protects consumers by mandating that if you give the manufacturer of your vehicle a reasonable number of attempts to repair your vehicle and it still isn’t fixed, you are then entitled to a new vehicle or your money back from the manufacturer.
The chassis of your Recreational Vehicle falls under the Lemon Law just as cars and trucks do. The coach is covered much like an off road unregistered motorcycle…. – it’s considered a ‘consumer good’ and has the same protections as other consumer goods sold with a manufacturer’s warranty.
The California Lemon Law applies to cars, trucks, vans, SUVs, RVs, motorcycles, some business-owned vehicles, and boats.
Boats and watercraft enjoy the same protection as cars and other vehicles under the California Lemon Law. The law applies to all forms of watercraft, not just the ones with engines. Sailboats have the same protection as jet skis and multi-million-dollar yachts.
Like cars, motorcycles, and RVs, boats and watercraft sold with a manufacturer’s warranty are protected.
Yes. The California Lemon Law applies to purchased and leased vehicles that are under warranty.
California’s Lemon Law applies to all cars purchased or leased in California, even if repairs were completed out of state.
If you bought or leased your vehicle outside California while you were in the military, and you are now serving in California, you may have Lemon Law rights in California.
That when you bought or leased your vehicle it came with a manufacturer’s Warranty, a manufacturer’s Extended Warranty or Extended Service Contract. A manufacturer’s warranty is the automaker’s guarantee that if problems occur within a certain period of time or number of miles, it will be responsible for the repairs. By the way, you pay for that warranty – it’s built into the price of your new vehicle.
The vehicle is new, Or certified pre-owned.
You bought or leased it.
When you bought or leased the vehicle it was covered by the manufacturer’s warranty (or portion of)
A manufacturer’s extended warranty.
You discover the defect before the warranty expires.
The manufacturer has had a reasonable number of opportunities to repair the defect.
The vehicle has been in ‘the shop’ for thirty or more days, cumulatively.
There is no single or easy answer. To be a lemon under the Lemon Law the vehicle has to have a substantial defect and hasn’t been repaired even after several attempts to get it fixed or it’s been at the dealership for many days cumulatively.
Document everything! Get the repair order and invoice every time you take your vehicle in and pick it up. Even if they have not or cannot fix the problem ‘that day,’ ask for an invoice. Never allow them to leave your ticket “open” while a part is being ordered. Document all calls with the dealer and manufacturer; get the name and title of everyone you talk to.
A substantial defect is one that impairs the vehicle’s “use, value, or safety.” That means it affects a vehicle’s use and prevents you from driving the vehicle as it was intended to be driven. A vehicle’s value is diminished when the defect means the vehicle won’t sell for the price it normally would bring – if the defect wasn’t there.
So, a substantial defect is one that:
- Prevents you from driving the vehicle as it was intended to be driven.
- Diminishes the vehicle’s value.
- Puts the driver, passengers, and other drivers in danger.
Please note: only one of these conditions is sufficient to qualify as a lemon.
Proven Experience You Can Trust
Other lawyers may ask you to pay a retainer fee or tell you that they work on a contingency fee. Conversely, with Gayle Law Group, PC, the manufacturer pays your legal fees if your case is resolved. And if your case is not resolved, you are NOT responsible for any legal fees. So let California lemon car lawyer Liz Gayle fight for you!
If you have had several repair attempts and are still having issues with your Acura, there is no reason to suffer the stress any longer. Keep documentation of all repairs done – or attempted – to your Acura as well as every call and appointment you made. If you think your Acura may be a lemon, contact the Gayle Law Group, PC today for a FREE consultation. You will be treated with respect and your case will be taken seriously, no matter what the issue.